Retail Returns

Retail Return (Consumer Product) Recycling For Zero Landfill
Lighting Resources has now become one of the nation’s largest zero landfill recyclers of retail consumer return (Retail Return) merchandise.
What is Recycle Return?
What is Retail Return and why is it difficult to recycle for zero landfill? Retail Return encompasses an extremely diverse range of consumer products requiring manual sorting prior to processing. Even the simplest retail return items can be complex, for example a child’s bouncing ball that lights up often contains a primary lithium battery. Within one batch of returned products, items often contain circuit boards, batteries, power cords, small electric motors, and fluff from stuffed toys. Each byproduct must be shipped for processing at different types of recycling facilities.
How are Retail Returns Recycled for Zero Landfill?
Because of the diverse nature of the materials being recycled, items need to be carefully sorted and often disassembled prior to recycling. Batteries need to be removed and sent to facilities designed specifically for battery recycling. Circuit boards are removed and sent to electronic recycling facilities. Cords need lo be cut off and sent for stripping and copper recovery. Remaining materials including fluff (fur for toys, stuffing, cardboard bits, un-recyclable plastics etc.) are shredded and burned for energy recover. All items must be decommissioned to eliminate any possible downstream unauthorized resale.